- [صورة وفيديو عالي الدقة] تستخدم هذه الكاميرا المخصصة للطرق الوعرة شريحة عالية الأداء ، والتي يمكنها التقاط صور واضحة وحيوية بدقة تصل إلى 16 ميجابكسل وفيديو عالي الدقة أثناء النهار ، مع صوت فائق الوضوح وألوان زاهية وأسود وصور بيضاء في الليل. توفر عدسة الكاميرا بزاوية 80 درجة زاوية عرض واسعة لمساعدتك على مراقبة عالم الحياة البرية على نطاق أوسع.
- [سرعة الزناد السريعة ووقت الانتظار الطويل] تتميز كاميرا التتبع لدينا بسرعة إطلاق مذهلة تبلغ 0.4 ثانية ، والتي يمكنها تسجيل كل لحظة مثيرة لموقع الاكتشاف. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تتمتع الكاميرا بوقت استعداد طويل بشكل لا يصدق ، يصل إلى 3 أشهر عند تشغيلها بواسطة 4 بطاريات AA ، وحتى أطول عند توصيلها بلوحة شمسية (غير مدرجة).
- [IP65 مقاوم للماء ، غلاف متين] باستخدام غلاف بلاستيكي مقاوم للماء والغبار والسقوط IP65 ، كاميرا الصيد والاستطلاع لدينا قوية بما يكفي لتحمل بيئات العمل القاسية مثل الصحاري أو الغابات الاستوائية المطيرة مع درجات حرارة -20-70 درجة مئوية. هذا ضمان طويل لا غنى عنه لعمر الخدمة.
- [مستشعر الأشعة تحت الحمراء السلبية عالي الحساسية] يمكن لكاميرا الصيد التقاط كل لحظة مثيرة بمدى كشف يصل إلى 80 درجة ونطاق كشف يصل إلى 65 قدمًا / 20 مترًا. تسمح لك تقنية الضوء غير المرئي 22 بالأشعة تحت الحمراء LED بتسجيل مقاطع فيديو وصور لا تصدق لتجنب إزعاج أو تخويف أهداف الصيد الخاصة بك.
- [سهل التشغيل والتركيب] كاميرا التتبع سهلة الإعداد والتشغيل. فقط أدخل 4 بطاريات وبطاقة SD (حتى 32 جيجا بايت) لاستخدامها. ثم يمكنك تحديد احتياجاتك الشخصية في قائمة سهلة الاستخدام. أخيرًا ، استخدم شريط تثبيت أو حامل ثلاثي القوائم لإكمال الإعداد.
- هذه الكاميرا درب FHD لديها 32MP بكسل ، صورة 4K / 2.7K / 1080 P / 720 P / 480 P فيديو وصوت بدقة. شاشة ملونة TFT مدمجة مقاس 2.4 بوصة لعرض الصور ومقاطع الفيديو في الكاميرا ، تقبل بطاقات SD حتى 512 جيجا بايت
- IP67 مقاوم للماء - باستخدام مواد مقاومة للماء IP67 عالية الجودة ، كل شيء من الختم إلى عدسة التحقيق متين للغاية. احمِ كاميرا التتبع الخاصة بك من المطر والسقوط والغبار وتأكد من أنها يمكن أن تعمل في البيئات القاسية مثل الغابات المطيرة أو الصحاري
- أسرع بشكل لا يصدق 0.2 ~ 0.3 ثانية سرعة الزناد - مسافة الزناد تصل إلى 25 مترًا (85 قدمًا) بمجرد اكتشاف الحركة ، البرق السريع 0.2 ~ 0.3 ثانية سرعة الزناد و 1 إلى 3 تحديدات الالتقاط تضمن سرعة ودقة التصوير المسبق التقط كل حركة مكشوفة لهذه اللعبة تتبع كاميرا الصيد
- عدسة بزاوية عريضة 100 درجة و 46 مصباحًا يعمل بالأشعة تحت الحمراء غير الباعثة - تم تجهيز كاميرا Hunting Game بمدى كشف 90 درجة PIR ، مما يمنحك مجال رؤية أوسع. 46 مصباحًا يعمل بالأشعة تحت الحمراء غير الباعثة للضوء تجعله جهازًا خفيًا لا يغزو موطنه الطبيعي. حتى في الأيام الممطرة ، فإنها تسجل أي حركة للحيوانات تريدها باستخدام عدسة واسعة الزاوية
- سهلة التركيب وسهلة الاستخدام - عند الصيد باستخدام حزام التثبيت المرفق ، من السهل تركيب كاميرا التتبع الوعرة هذه. يمكنك استخدام كاميرا الصيد الخاصة بك لمراقبة الحياة البرية والصيد ، وأمن المنزل / الممتلكات ، ومراقبة منطقة المزرعة ، والمحاصيل البعيدة
- This full HD tracking camera has 32MP pixels, image resolution 4K/2.7K/1080P/720P/480P resolution video and audio. A 2.31-inch TFT color screen is also integrated for viewing photos and videos from the camera.
- IP67 Waterproof - Made of high quality IP67 waterproof material, everything from the gasket to the probe lens is very durable. Protect your tracking camera from rain, drops and dust, and make sure it works in harsh environments like rainforests or deserts
- 100° Wide Angle Lens and 46 Non-Emitting IR LEDs - Hunting Game Camera with 90° PIR Detection Area to give you a wider field of view. 46 non-emitting infrared LEDs make it an invisible device that does not invade its natural habitat. Even in rainy days, it can record any desired animal movement with a wide-angle lens
- EASY TO INSTALL AND VERY PRACTICAL - With the included mounting strap, this sturdy tracking camera can easily be mounted on the hunt. You can use your safari camera for wildlife observation and hunting, home/property security, farmland monitoring and remote crops with KF dedicated SD and card reader to make your camera more convenient to use
- يمكن أن ينتج عن الجمع بين مكونات العدسة البصرية عالية الجودة ذات الفتحة الكبيرة للغاية والتعرض التلقائي الحصري وخوارزميات تقليل الضبابية صورًا ملونة في الإضاءة المنخفضة والرؤية الليلية الواضحة في الظلام الدامس. صور ثابتة بدقة 16 ميجابكسل. 100 قدم مدى فلاش الرؤية الليلية.
- تسجيل فيديو متقدم H.264 1080P 30 إطارًا في الثانية مع الصوت ، يكون التشغيل أكثر وضوحًا وسلاسة ، مقارنةً بجميع مقاطع فيديو MJPG تقريبًا المستخدمة بواسطة مسجلات القيادة ، مما يوفر 80٪ من مساحة تخزين بطاقة الذاكرة
- تقنية الإضاءة المفعلة مسبقًا 0.1 ثانية سرعة الزناد ، 0.5 ثانية وقت استرداد فائق السرعة ، مسافة كشف 82 قدمًا. سهل الاستخدام للغاية: أزرار تشغيل جهاز التحكم عن بعد في التلفزيون ، وشاشة ملونة عالية الدقة مقاس 2.31 بوصة ، وسهلة الإعداد والتشغيل. يقبل ما يصل إلى 128 جيجابايت من بطاقة SD القياسية (غير مدرجة).
- 3 أوضاع تصوير (صور وفيديو وصور وفيديو) ، طابع زمني ، وقت العمل ، تأخير ، تسجيل متكرر ، وقت استعداد يصل إلى 8 أشهر (لا يشمل البطارية) ، مقاوم للماء.
- حالة الاستعداد هي استهلاك منخفض للغاية للطاقة ، ويمكن تمديد وقت الاستعداد إلى 6 أشهر. لا تحتاج كاميرا الصيد الجديدة هذه إلا إلى 4 بطاريات قلوية AA 1.5 فولت ، مما يقلل من الوزن ويسمح لك بأخذها في الهواء الطلق
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rainforest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.
- 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
- [High-definition pixel night vision effect] The tracking camera can reach up to 24MP shooting pixels, 1296P high-definition video effect, using the latest technology to make the night vision black and white effect clearer;
- 【High Sensitivity Passive Infrared Sensor】Tracking camera can capture every exciting moment with a detection range of up to 120 degrees and a detection distance of 65 feet/20 meters; Equipped with 2 low-light LED lights allows you to record incredible videos and photos, with 940 shimmer so as not to disturb or intimidate your hunting targets.
- [Sturdy protection and easy operation] Adopt IP66 waterproof, dustproof, anti-drop plastic shell, can withstand the harsh working environment such as desert or tropical rain forest with temperature of -20℃~60℃. This is an indispensable guarantee for long service life, only Need to insert an SD card (maximum 256G, recommended 16GB~128GB) to use. Then you can set your personal needs on the menu and finally complete the installation with the securing straps.