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تم إرسال هذا المنتج إليّ للمراجعة، كجزء من Amazon Vine. فيما يلي تجربتي الشخصية في العالم الحقيقي لاستخدامه. لقد انجذبت إليه، لأنني أحب أحيانًا تصوير مقاطع فيديو للحياة البرية باستخدام هاتفي iPhone 15 Pro Max، واعتقدت أن الفلتر سيكون مفيدًا للغاية خلال الأيام المشمسة جدًا. المجموعة شاملة - ستحصل على ملحق الفلتر المغناطيسي والفلتر وقطعة قماش تنظيف وحافظة عالية الجودة بشكل استثنائي لتخزين كل شيء بداخلها. هذا المنتج صغير الحجم، لذا يمكن وضعه بسهولة داخل حقيبة صغيرة. لدي مشاعر مختلطة بشأن بعض المكونات - ملحق الفلتر الرئيسي قوي، لكنه لا يتناسب جيدًا مع الحافظة. الملحق الذي أستخدمه ليس الأسمك، لكنه كان كافيًا لمنع الملحق من المحاذاة بشكل صحيح مع عدسات هاتفي. أنا أيضًا لا أحب المشبك اللولبي - فكرة الضغط على شاشة هاتفي تجعلني غير مرتاحة، خاصة لأنه يمكنك شد المسمار كثيرًا. يعمل المغناطيس بشكل جيد إلى حد ما لتثبيت الفلتر، على الرغم من أنه لا يبدو أنه يتمتع بأقوى ثبات، لذا لست متأكدًا من المدة التي يمكن أن يظل الفلتر ثابتًا فيها بشكل معقول، خاصةً إذا كنت تتحرك كثيرًا في الميدان. على الرغم من ما سبق، فإن الفلتر نفسه يحدث فرقًا في الضوء القاسي، على الرغم من أنني أوصي بالتحقق من بعض الإعدادات أولاً - لم أدرك أن فلاشي مضبوط على "تلقائي"، لذا فقد أطلق أسفل الفلتر، وغسل محاولتي الأولى لالتقاط صورة (الفلاش محجوب أسفل الفلتر، لذا يرتد الضوء). بشكل عام، إنها مجموعة جيدة، ولكن يمكن تحسينها.
مجموعة فلتر مغناطيسية مقاس 67 مم من K&F Concept للهواتف
مصنوع بشكل جيد للغاية ويناسب هاتفي وجهازي اللوحي بشكل آمن ويقوم بالمهمة بشكل جيد ويأتي في حقيبة مبطنة لطيفة.
جودة جيدة جودة جيدة جودة جيدة جودة جيدة جودة جيدة جودة جيدة
I use my iPhone half for personal use and half for my job. I have to take photos for work every now and then (which has nothing to do with artistic photos) and over time I have acquired a few accessories to make it easier to take usable photos.

This tool is really great, you get numerous additional options by simply "clamping on" the "lens". Especially when the light from natural light is too strong, you can use the filter to effectively reduce it as desired and without having to compromise on the colors.

I also find it incredibly easy to use, you don't have to screw anything onto the phone, just quickly clamp it in place and you're done.

One small disadvantage (at least with the iPhone 15 Pro Max) is that you have to remove the phone case so that the lens fits neatly and doesn't stick out.

But as soon as I use the phone exclusively for photos, I don't mind removing the protective cover.

I think the filter is great with its easy application and excellent functionality and therefore give it a well-deserved 5 stars!
Cool tool for my iPhone! Cool tool for my iPhone!
بدأت بإنتاج المزيد من مقاطع الفيديو والصور باستخدام هاتفي. شخصيًا، أجد تصوير الفيديو أكثر عملية باستخدام هاتفي iPhone 12 من استخدام كاميرا Sony في بعض الأحيان. يساعدني هذا المحول حقًا في الحصول على التعريض المناسب لكل ما كنت أصوره مؤخرًا. ما عليك سوى تثبيت المحول وتدوير الفلتر إلى اليسار أو اليمين ثم البدء في التصوير! المنتج بسيط وسهل الإعداد وتمكنت من التقاط بعض المحتوى الرائع به حتى الآن! كما جعلني أفكر في محولات أخرى لمعرفة أنواع المحتوى الأخرى التي يمكنني إنشاؤها!
ممتاز لالتقاط اللقطة الصحيحة!
The filter's workmanship is excellent. Thanks to the clamp, the filter holds firmly to the iPhone camera. Well, theoretically, to any camera on any phone.

The workmanship is good, the settings are easy to make.

It's important that you can adjust the camera manually to achieve an effect.

So far, everything's good
So the thing I like about this most, design wise, is just how easily I can use it, I don’t have to faff about screwing things on, or lining things up, it’s just quick, simple, clip over, and I’m off shooting photos.
I think the difference goes from “there but not obvious”, to, “noticeably there(because I know the filters there)”, and I don’t mean other people would know I’ve used a filter, but they definitely notice the difference in shots.
The quality feels good to me, the “clip” has decent retention, and feels strong enough that it won’t slip or fall off, but also, it feels strong enough that it won’t become looser and looser after “however many” clip on, clip off, cycles, so that’s a good thing.
All in all, I think this is a great way to switch up shots and get that deeper pic, very happy with it.
Great fit Great fit Great fit
This ND filter was developed specifically for the iPhone. This should be taken into account, otherwise the verdict will probably not be so favorable. The special thing about it is that this ND filter with its filter ring completely encloses the camera module of the newer iPhones. The actual filter then lies directly on the lenses and sits really well.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work with a cell phone case that has a camera protector. Then the camera module becomes too big and the filter no longer fits over it.

The whole thing is held in place with a fairly tight clamp, which of course then covers part of the display. But in my opinion that's not particularly important.

The filter can be adjusted from filter strength ND2 to ND400 by simply turning it. The whole thing is done with a quarter turn, so all levels are pretty close together, so you should turn slowly. There is a 10-level division on the ring, but it can still be adjusted continuously. The filter does not always have the same effect on all three lenses. With the ultra-wide angle of the iPhone 14pro, for example, you can get the filter ring in the picture with some settings. In some settings you notice a slightly stronger vignetting. You have to try it out a bit, but you can get the hang of it quickly.

Who needs something like that? Certainly no one who doesn't know straight away what an ND filter does. The product is aimed more at photographers who want to get even more out of the iPhone and, especially in bright light, still want to use long shutter speeds. To do this, you would have to delve a little deeper into the subject. There are numerous, very good YouTube videos on the subject...

I think it's really great that the filter holder or clamp with a 52mm thread can also accommodate other filters. A polarizing filter or graduated filter would be exciting here for different effects.

In any case, I am very happy with this ND filter, even if I probably won't use it that often. I tend to take the photos or videos that can be produced with it with a system camera. But if you're travelling light or want to experiment with iPhone photography, this is the right choice. The price is unbeatable for this great quality.
Great ND filter for iPhones Great ND filter for iPhones Great ND filter for iPhones Great ND filter for iPhones Great ND filter for iPhones Great ND filter for iPhones Great ND filter for iPhones
Darkening filter lens with clip to attach it to the iPhone (works on all models).
The lens can be unscrewed, it has a 52mm thread and can also be inserted on some Canons.
Useful in case of direct exposure to the sun, otherwise the iPhone will be able to adjust the brightness independently without any problem. I really like the effect that is created when you overcome the darkness of the lens, creating these blue-purple edges.
If you also own a reflex it becomes a valid purchase also in economic terms.
Multi-level darkening lens. Multi-level darkening lens. Multi-level darkening lens. Multi-level darkening lens. Multi-level darkening lens.
Here is a neutral density filter that can vary from 2 to 400, which is a very nice range.
It is mounted on a clamp that is the thickness of a smartphone.
It has a diameter of 52 MM, so it is wide enough to cover most lenses, smartphones and not just iPhones.
This filter holder is screwed onto the clamp, which means that it can be perfectly removed and installed on a camera with a 52 mm lens.
As a result, you can also imagine adapting any 52 mm filter. For example, a polarizing filter on this clamp.
Well seen.
A cleaning cloth is also supplied with it, which is always good to have on hand.
High quality ND2-400 variable filter High quality ND2-400 variable filter High quality ND2-400 variable filter High quality ND2-400 variable filter High quality ND2-400 variable filter High quality ND2-400 variable filter High quality ND2-400 variable filter High quality ND2-400 variable filter
K&F Concept are producing some quality ND filter, especially this variable ND filter which has a 2 to 400 stops. There are clearly marked stops on the filter itself, however these are not hard stops which means you can go past the limits to produce "unwanted" effects like purple hazing and hues. At this point there is some X light leaking, but if you do not go past the marked stops there is no issue. This is primarily made as a clip on filter for mobile phones, but there's nothing to stop you from removing the filter from the clip and putting it on a 52mm lens.

The image quality looks clear and and colour clarity looks good, even towards the edges. However, you'll need to put your phone's camera in manual mode for this be just effective, especially on very bright days.

I would've liked a carry pouch or ND filter lid, however for this price and quality this is good value for money.
Nice and clear ND filter Nice and clear ND filter Nice and clear ND filter Nice and clear ND filter